Sabtu, 30 Maret 2013

Diabetes Diet program Menu Plan Guidelines

As we know diabetes have various complications if not maintained properly, in order to prevent further complications you need to control blood sugar levels by planing diabetes Diet program menu. Your body does not make use of the insulin well or does not produce enough insulin when you have diabetes. Insulin is important to convert glucose to energy by release glucose into cells. Glucose stays in the blood and increase the glucose levels if there is low insulin in the blood. The high levels of blood sugar can lead damages in kidneys, nerves, cardiovascular, hearth and eyes.
A diabetes Diet program menu plan can certainly help you to achieve your goal like maintaining normal range blood sugar levels and loosing weight. Your menu not only have to calculate the calories and sugar in foods but also it have to have a balance and healthy protein, fats, and carbohydrates.
1. Whole Grain Foods
Whole grain foods digested more slowly than simple sugars because it contain complex carbohydrates that can help in controlling the blood sugars levels. Instead of eating simple carbohydrates like refined sugar, eat whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta or brown rice.
2. Include Fruits and Vegetables
Vegetables and fruits is rich in fiber that can help diabetes patients feel full for longer time. This helps in regulating your eating habits and make not feel hungry longer after eating. Fiber also make the absorption of glucose slowly make the blood sugars levels not spike after meal and stabilize energy.
3. Choose Lean Meats and Fish (i. e. skinless chicken, Pork loin)
These protein source are useful to the body since it contain low-fat. They help maintain balance without having too much fat and provide necessary protein.
4. Non Fat Dairy
As a good source of calcium we need dairy product, but choose product that do not contain fat or low-fat such as skim milk, non fat yoghurt and non fat cheese.
5. Eat less Sweets
Avoid high sugar snack like cookies, full fat ice cream and cakes that are also high in calorie.
Keep all these five simple reminders in mind when you shop for foods and when you planning daily diabetes Diet program menu so that you can keep less problems with diabetes.
Diabetes Diet Menu Plan Tips.

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